Friday, January 1, 2010

Why I Write

I write a lot. A lot more than what I write on here. I write because I think all the time, and I've come to the sorry realization that as a human being I can only remember so much in my lifetime.

The majority of my life I won't even remember. That's a pretty sad reality if you think about it. I only came to the realization myself because I read it in a book. "The saddest thing about life is you don't remember half of it. You don't even remember half of half of it. Not even a tiny percentage, if you want to know the truth. Life isn't memorable enough to remember everything. It's not like there are explosions happening all the time or dogs smoking cigarettes." The first time I read that, I wasn't sure if I agreed. But after thinking about it, and reminiscing back on my own life, I think for the most part it's a pretty true statement. And that's sad to me. The only things we really remember are the major events and genuine people that impact us along the way. You remember the one that you fall in love with, and the one that breaks your heart. Sometimes the one you love is the one that breaks your heart. Life-threatening experiences, and when life is taken away from somebody that you love. Your first kiss, the day you lose your virginity, your first fight. Basically your "first" anything. But in perspective, outside of a few other random experiences, most is forgotten.

That is why I write. I don't write for any other reason than to remember my life, remember the sweet, genuine people that I meet, and to grow from past experiences. I write because I'm hyper critical of myself. Not in the emo, self-pity sort of way, but in the fact that I often see error in my life that does not line up with the Jesus that I claim to follow. And I cannot be content with that. If I am than I have an even greater problem. I've counted the cost and made the choice to try every single day to mirror the life that He lived. It's the same choice that every true follower of Jesus Christ has made. I will fail every single day in trying. But it's only when I stop recognizing that I'm messed up and stop asking for His help in trying to change, that is when I have real issues. I don't write because I think I'm better than anyone else. I write because I know I'm just as much a sinner as the next person is.

This is me. I have nothing to hide. Help me remember, I want to help you remember too. We are here for Him.

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