Thursday, December 3, 2009


God you never cease to amaze me. How you can change hearts over night is incredible. Help me to not resent those who are stuck thinking this life is about them, that their dreams supercede Your dreams for them. And help me to not fall back into that mindset. I was there for so long and it's so easy to do. Help me to have compassion for them and pray for change that only You can bring. Help this fire to not burn out like it has in the past. Help me to love the haters, the fakes, and the gossipers, something so hard to do at times. Help me to trust.

Thank You for never giving up on me.

"There are days when I'm right where I'm supposed to be
but mostly I am far away
I'm learning to live the way I should
I'm learning to love the way You would
and today it's been made clear that I've walked so far alone
It's easy wanting something more
I will dive, close to You."

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