Monday, December 21, 2009


Haven't really had a whole lot of time to think lately. Sometimes that's a good thing. At this exact moment it's probably a really good thing. I have way too much on my mind. But I've really missed it these past couple of days.

Thinking, for me, means evaluating. It's the time that I get to shut out the distractions that are thrown at me every single day, and look at my life and ask myself what I'm doing that actually matters. Am I really characterized by being set apart from the world around me? Sometimes I feel like I'm too hard on myself. Maybe I'm setting expectations too high. Like maybe I should try this whole "do what makes me happy" thing. And I do, so so often. I'll lose sight of the fact that I'm here for another 30-40 years if I'm lucky, and that unfortunately this life is not about me. I'll enjoy temporary pleasures here and there, forget that the majority of the people around me do not know Jesus, and then just as my head hits the pillow at night feel completely empty about how I sometimes spend my days.

I hope and pray that I am never ever content. Content in Jesus, yes. Content with myself and who I am, never. I want purpose in my every step. Every single step. These are my new intentions. Without you, Jesus, my intentions hold no weight. I need these rooted in You.

Things I am stoked on right now(in no particular order) -
1) People completely sold out for Jesus Christ.
2) Genuine people Jesus is throwing into my life.
3) EBC!
4) Grandparents coming down in 2 days!
5) The Eagles are 10-4.
6) New Gwen Stacy. Nuff said.
7) Starting up the skate ministry at Impact.
8) Writing new music.
9) Ice-blocking.
10) My small group guys!

Things I'm not so stoked on right now(in very particular order) -
1.) procrastination
1.) pride
1.) lust
1.) self-doubt
1.) lack of trusting my God at all times
2.) people being deceived by material securities
3.) overcautious mind-sets
4.) it is 2:03am, thus I am beyond tired
5.) I just used the word 'thus'
6.) lack of fundage(money), therefore putting a hold on more tattoos
7.) I have no socks on, I can't feel my toes.

Goodnight to anyone who takes time to read my blah blah.

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